On The Blog

Apr 16, 2018

My Top 4 Meal Prep Companies

I know how hard it can be to stick to a healthy nutrition routine. You start off on the right track, but then you fall off. Why?

Some may say it's because you don't have the willpower or motivation but I say it’s because it’s not realistic...

Mar 13, 2018

My Experience With Microblading

Okay, to some of you, getting your eyebrows microbladed may seem like no big deal but it took me probably a good year to decide whether or not to go through with it. 

Some of my hesitations were:

  • It costs too much money
  • What if they di
  • ...
Mar 05, 2018

Social Media 2018: 3 Most Popular Platforms

This last week I went to the Social Media Marketing World Conference in San Diego. It happens every year and they bring in a bunch of amazing speakers to talk about all things social media.

This year they had over 20 different speakers. Ke...


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